Welcome to my Portfolio


My name is Mario Rodriguez

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About Me

A US Marine turned tech geek. I have always been intrigued about computers since way back in '99 when my parents brought our first desktop into the house. Not knowing anything or what it could do, I would find myself digging deep in the OS and trying to figure out how everything was being done. I was interested about computers right away. Back then, I did not know much about coding or that you could make the computer do things you tell it to do. I did not learn any of this until I entered college and took my first computer science course focused in learning the basics in C++. After two years at a community college trying to take as many CS courses as I could, I ended up transferring to the University of California Irvine where I completed my degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Big Data.

Hard Skills: Java, Python, Bash, Akka Framework, Elasticsearch, Prometheus, Grafana, Docker, Kubernetes, Git

Soft Skills: Leadership, Hard-Worker, Team-Player, Great communication, Quick-learner, Positive mindset

Hobbies: Sports, Hiking, Backpacking, Traveling, Fishing, Photography


FabFlix (MVP)

Fabflix is an E-commerce application that allows customers to perform various activities on the website (register, login, search movie, buy movie, etc). The project was implemented in a 3-tier approach with MySQL, RESTful web services with Java, and HTML/CSS/JavaScrit to create a modern full-stack product.

Languages: Java, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Tools: Github, JDBC, Jersey, Jackson, Grizzly, jQuery, MySQL


ShopAutomatic is an application you can deploy in your machine and allows you to search for an item in multiple sites (Amazon, Ebay, Craiglist, etc.) while automating the whole process of opening the websites, logging in to your personal accounts, searching for the item and adding items in the shopping cart (optional) so you don't have to do it manually.

Languages: Python

Tools: Selenium, PyQT

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Git-Init is a command line script to automate the process of creating a project repository in your GitHub account. In one easy command you can have a project folder created in your "project directory"; initialized git and sent a first commit with README and requirements.txt file for virtual environment setup.

Languages: Python, Batch

Tools: GitHub, Virtualenv

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